Wesley Shepard Summer Music Camp 2025 (June 9-13)
UE Music Conservatory Camp for Band, Orchestra, and Piano Students
The UE Music Conservatory will host our music camp again the summer of 2025. This camp includes experiences in band, orchestra, and piano. Any student in grades 6-12 who has completed at least one year of band, orchestra, piano, private lessons, or similar experience is eligible to attend!
Camp Cost
UE's Summer Music Camp occurs from Monday, June 9, through Friday, June 13, 2025. Students will enjoy rehearsing and performing in a band or orchestra, receiving specialized instruction in like-instrument/groups, learning musicianship skills, and experiencing a variety of music-related activities.
Summer camp tuition includes a hot lunch each day in Ridgway University Center.
Summer Camp - $250 (Financial assistance available!)
Ensemble Auditions - Band, Orchestra, and Piano*
* Piano students will participate in the orchestra and bands ensemble.
Pre-recorded playing samples will be requested in Spring 2025.
Students should complete their ensemble auditions by Thursday, June 5, 2025 the registration deadline.
In order to place students in the proper ensemble, we ask that all students wishing to take part in our band and orchestra camp track submit a pre-recorded sample of their playing. Pre-recorded playing samples will be submitted to the University of Evansville music faculty, and only ensemble directors will have access to these recordings. Students should include the title of the piece and their name in the recording. Students may choose to submit the following items for their pre-recorded playing sample:
- Excerpt from student's solo/ensemble repertoire
- Excerpt from pieces played in student's band/orchestra/piano classes
- Excerpt from a selection the student's private lessons instructor has approved
Pre-recorded playing samples should be no longer than two minutes in length.
Please send your pre-recorded samples to summermusiccamp@yibangyi.net.
Jazz Band Elective
Students wishing to be in Jazz Band should select this option as one of their electives. Instruments needed for the bands include:
- Saxophones (Altos, Tenors, Baritones)
- Brass (Trumpets, Trombones, Euphoniums, Tubas)
- Rhythm (Drum Set Player, Guitar, Piano, Bass [Electric or Acoustic])
- Other - We may accept other woodwind and string instruments if space allows
Seating placements for jazz band will be determined based on student's pre-recorded playing sample sent to their primary ensemble director.

Dr. Leanne Hampton, DMA
UE/EPO Music Consortium Faculty
* Please read the Youth Programs, Camps, & Conferences Handbook and Child Protection Policy found under the “Additional Forms” tab PRIOR to registering for programs, camps, and conferences. Please be advised there is a non-refundable $35 registration fee included in the price of each camp.
Our goal is to make our youth programs, camps, and conferences accessible to students regardless of their ability to pay. Thanks to generous funding from Lilly Endowment Inc., we can offer financial assistance to students who demonstrate need. If you are interested in receiving Financial Assistance, please complete the Financial Assistance Request Form BEFORE registering. Please allow up to two business days for your request to be processed. Because demand for assistance is great and funds are limited, we encourage parents/guardians to apply early.